Roger: 13分 內容與用字大多有程度,但結論不夠貼切題目的要求 你一定吃虧或上當受騙過吧,把它寫下來。第一段(約60字)寫事情發生的時間、經過、地點。第二段(約60字)寫你對這件事情的看法或感想。 The incident took place when I was fourteen[MSOffice1] . One day, I was packing my bag, ready to go home after a …
年份: 2011 年
請假公告: 05/23 -05/29
各位同學大家好: 普雷老師將於2011- 05/23(週一) -05/27 (週五) 期間 接受國家徵召 到伊拉克去攻打美軍, 不是啦,是義務兵的教召,簡單講就是服完兵役後 通常國家都會再要求你回去原廠保養就對了 所以我有五天會在軍中度過,因此先行公告 在05/23(週一) -05/29 (日)期間,會有為期約一週的時間, 不收件英文作文的批改 另外,在這星期的前一週與後一週,因為會有很多事情得先預備好或做事後處理 批改與回覆作文的時間將會有所緩慢 敬請體諒與耐心等候, 感謝大家的支持!!! & …
Question:如果你有絕對的能力改變生活中的一件事,你最想改變的是什麼。請以”What I Want To Change the Most in My Life Is…“為題陳述你最想改變的事。 綠色佳 語意修正的很好,很快就進入狀況,字數也夠,第三段的結論很漂亮,有創意,而且重點是符合題目的要求,又有完整呼應自己前面所提內容, nice: 16分 What I Want To Change the Most in My Life Is Being stuck in the traffic jam on the way to s …
本篇為學生所寫的三格看圖作文(北區模考),大致是一家人騎腳踏車, 然後請路人幫忙拍全家合照,結果不小心失足跌入水裡。 <此篇為普雷老師通常首次為學生批改的大致方式> This vacation[MSOffice1] ,I went to the famous mountain of[MSOffice2] Japan which have[MSOffice3] cleaned[MSOffice4] water and fresh air alone[MSOffice5] and re …
The Importance of a Sense of Humor Some people take everything seriously. As a result, they may lack lots of laughter in their life. Others, however, are humorous. They alw …
近日因為普雷媽的腿,出車禍被撞斷開刀,所以我常需陪伴 她作復健,話說回來,今天陪她到長庚複診,聽到醫生跟她說: 妳的腿開刀後,這樣的復原情形算很好很快了唷, 我的兩顆眼淚竟然不爭氣地跑出來。 anyway,最近是典型的內憂外患,補習班的新學期開課戰爭也即將展開 所以如果作文批改有所delay,也請大家多包涵,good luck for everyone cest la vie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
本篇得分: 16/20 <這是之前念北一女的學姐: 謝珮珮所寫的作文, 她已經考上台大法律系> In the English class last week, Peter did so embarrassing a thing that he could never forget.[e1] It was a winter afternoon; the sun did not show i …
In the English class last week, Peter did so embarrassing a thing that he could never forget. It was a winter afternoon; the sun did not show itself all day, and the cold breeze was blowing. In fact, it was a good time for a nap. As the teacher …
An experience of sickness (一次生病的經驗) 12分
高二陳奕安 An experience of sickness 未修改版 12分 I was so ill in hospital that I did not believe I could ever live through my hospital days. The thought f that experience still chills me …