

說明: 鑑於高三同學對單字掌握度仍有不足,所以普雷老師






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1.   This _____ cathedral is quite imposing and majestic. It has a long history.

(A) shrewd (B) medieval     (C) watertight           (D) vocational

2.   The American _____ in Philippines was under terrorist attack

because of the revenge.

(A) auction (B) climax        (C) embassy            (D) complement

3.   The government is going to lower the _____ on imported cars from China.

(A) tariffs (B) analects      (C) massacre            (D) slaughter

4.   Play’s biography is full of amusing _____ about his life in Edinburgh.

(A) ambush        (B) analogy      (C) ambassadors     (D) anecdotes  

5.   Bobbi is a famous principal conductor in the Berlin symphony _____.

(A) porch           (B) torch         (C) orchard             (D) orchestra

6.   The election candidate was _____ due to a conflict, based on

     that murder suspect’s confession.

(A) dispensed     (B) escorted     (C) gobbled              (D) assassinated

7.   Dubai Tower (Khalifa Tower) has been the tallest _____ skyscraper,

which a prominent Sailboat Hotel (Burj Al Arab Hotel) is located near.

(A) dynamic       (B) gracious     (C) gigantic              (D) obscure

8.   This is a hospitable restaurant offering _____ Greek food. That is,

you can taste many traditional snacks here.

(A) atomic          (B) authentic    (C) airtight               (D) astray

9.   The sand at that beach was hot and _____, so you had better

not walk barefoot.

(A) damp           (B) coarse        (C) cumulative          (D) botanical

10. There are lots of _____ in our neighborhood. You can visit there and

buy some souvenirs.

(A) rascals         (B) villains       (C) bazaars             (D) congresses


                                        1-5   B C A D D        6-10  D C B B C


B C A D D  

 D C B B C

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